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I have spent a good deal of my life, like most people, working to be successful. First at school and then many years and countless hours building our small business. My Dad always felt it was too much time, maybe you were right Dad - but i didn't know any other way to operate.

Cancer, enter stage right. Work faded away in the blink of an eye and the only thing that is in focus is my family. I have always valued my family, don't get me wrong. But when faced with a health crisis literally nothing else is in focus. My daughters have put their entire lives on hold to care for me - and that's a lot to give up when you are in the prime of college. My husband is doing double time to run our business. Okay you might expect that from your immediate family. But the support, love, and overwhelming generosity and kindness by my ENTIRE family including even friends from long ago, brings me to my knees with humbleness. I'm not sure that i deserve it, honestly...but the love i have been shown is what makes this fight doable, it drives me more than success every has or ever will.

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May 09, 2022

this is beautiful and truly encapsulates how deeply loved you are. thank you for being another family to me all these years, i love you like another mom and am always thinking of you, the girls, and mr fuentevilla.


Feb 19, 2022



Feb 19, 2022

Most of us learn what is important in our life (family, friends, love, and service to others) when we face sickness, hardship, difficult times, or loss. I was fortunate to learn this at a young age of 27 when I was a hospital social worker .director. I learned these lessons from the oncology patients I would visit. None of them said that they wished they had worked harder and made more money and had more stuff. They spoke about wishing they had spent more time with family and friends and enjoying life.


Cate Clifton
Cate Clifton
Feb 16, 2022

You deserve it! You are so special to us! The girls and Miguel are a force of nature. They are so lucky to have you which is what drives that force right now. We are all so lucky to have each other in this life - through the good times and more vividly perhaps through the challenges.


Feb 16, 2022

What a fantastic Valentine gift Love you! 💗

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