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Family, Friends, Family, Friends....


This is a quick post to again say how very very important all the support from our family and friends has been. I think that before I was in this position i never realized how much of a difference even a quick note online can mean to someone who is dealing with health issues. I know that everyone is not as lucky as I am to have that and I feel compassion for them and ever so grateful.

We just had a lovely visit with my Cousin Ron, Cousin Hannah and little Violet. I was actually feeling tired before it, but the energy from seeing family is so amazing - like nothing else really.

I just have to say a big thank you again to all of you for your support. It really makes all the difference in the world.

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Apr 03, 2022

Hey here's to the most fierce lady! Been thinking about your posts and absorbing your wisdom and sending you precious love.


Julia Lindberg
Julia Lindberg
Apr 02, 2022

I think about you every day and keep you, Miguel, and the girls in my heart. You’ve got this!! ❤️


Apr 01, 2022

Your research and reading, "inventing", creativity, humor and positive attitude inspire your recovery, my attitude, and, through this blog, I hope other GG'S AND GB'S!


Apr 01, 2022

I agree that stress, and anxiety and uncontrollable genetics plays a big part in our physical and mental well-being and can lead to illness. In the US, we seem to push ourselves to perfection, but at what cost? We have all experienced a great deal of stress and anxiety over the last 6 yes, and we will pay the price going forward.


Apr 01, 2022

My dad was a disciple of Jack la Laine who was an exercise and nutrition guru in the 1950's. He exercised at the gym every day, ate a very healthy and nutritious diet, worked at jobs he liked all his life, spent quality time with my brother and I, never smoked, drank, or did drugs, and generally had a happy life. He always looked 10 years younger than he was. He got Pancreatic Cancer at 78 and died at 79.

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